Alpha Serve at Unleash Atlassian Event in Berlin: How it Was

PhD, Business Development & Partnership Manager at Alpha Serve
Published: March 1, 2023
Last Updated: April 30, 2024
On February 9th Alpha Serve has attended Unleash event by Atlassian in Berlin, which primary aims at agile & DevOps teams focusing on Jira, but all the interested Atlassian community was welcomed. Our Business development&Partnership manager – Khrystyna Shparyk was representing our company.
Alpha Serve at the Unleash Atlassian event in Berlin: How it was
It all has started with the speech of Jastine Devis, VP Product Marketing, Agile and DevOps solutions in Atlassian, who has announced several big Atlassian Jira updates that help to better connect business and engineering teams:
  • The upcoming GA of Jira Product Discovery, a new tool to help product managers prioritize, collaborate on, and deliver new product ideas to build more impactful products;
  • Free access to Jira Work Management for anyone with a Jira Software license;
  • New free templates from industry-leading companies for Jira, so you can borrow best practices from the best in the biz.
Alpha Serve at the Unleash Atlassian event in Berlin: How it was
Afterwords, Claire Drumond, Head of Marketing, Jira Software & Agile Solutions at Atlassian and Megan Cook, Head of Product - Software Teams at Atlassian gave their speeches. All the speeches were inspiring, as far as so many absorbing thesis were pronounced like “…development doesn’t start with coding. It start with idea being prioritized by other good ideas”.
Alpha Serve at the Unleash Atlassian event in Berlin: How it was
During the day all the participants took part in hands-on demos and expert-led sessions on automation, cloud migration etc. which were truly motivating to move forward, discover new opportunities and create a value to our business.
Alpha Serve at the Unleash Atlassian event in Berlin: How it was
Despite that, all the participants have enjoyed networking and socializing with all the Atlassian community. Past few years were difficult for everyone because of Coronavirus which made us switch into online life. For Alpha Serve, a Ukrainian company, it didn’t end up with Coronavirus. 2022 was much more difficult because of russian full-scale war.

On-line working mode is on-going for us and visiting events abroad became pretty challenging. So participating in Unleash – is truly unique possibly to meet and to see all those partners and friends with whom we’ve never met. Making enduring partnership connections at in-person events is so much easier – so we are looking forward to next Atlassian events.
Alpha Serve at the Unleash Atlassian event in Berlin: How it was
In the end of the day all the participants were asked to join the final presentation where few teams where selected to show their games, which they have developed using AI in order to support teams by accelerating their learning process in some fun way. The winner was “The Saga of The Super Dev” but all the rest teams showed really good games and made everyone laugh.
Alpha Serve at the Unleash Atlassian event in Berlin: How it was
Being the Atlassian Platinum Marketplace Partner – we were so curious to hear all the announcements firsthand, to know all the Atlassian future plans and meet our partners and friends! So thanks to everyone for such a great event, thanks for being there with us and we are looking forwards to meet everyone at all the forthcoming Atlassian events! Both online and offline!
Alpha Serve at the Unleash Atlassian event in Berlin: How it was
To sum up – we would like to point out that is it so much worth visiting such events because of atmosphere the Atlassian community creates – it’s just overwhelming!

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